Our story

Hello, my name is Wendall Miller. My wife, Carla, and I bought our farm here in southeast Ohio in 2019. We have four children, Jamison, Arianna, Hudson and Kyler. We love living on the farm and raising our family on it! We both grew up on small farms and that is where the passion for farming started! When I was 20 I left the farm and went to serve at Ohio Wilderness Boys Camp near Caldwell Ohio. While I was serving there, we got married and continued to work there for the next few years. In 2019, we had the opportunity to buy our own little farm a few miles away from work and we started farming. We ended up moving onto the farm in 2020. Growing up, our farm didn’t make much money and I knew if I wanted to make farming profitable, I would need to do some things different. I started asking questions. This led me into regenerative farming. In the prosses, I started to see how the health of our soil affects the health of our food, which also has a huge impact on human health! I started studying into regenerative agriculture and I love the idea and principles. It just makes so much sense to work with nature to work toward better soil, animal, and human health! We have such an amazing Creator and I love learning how He makes everything work together. We believe that God has blessed us with this land so we strive to be the best stewards we can be of the land He has given us. At this point, I still have a job off the farm but continue to work toward our dream of making a living farming by raising and selling healthy, nutrient dense foods for our family and yours, while also improving the overall health of our soil and eco system.

Beef. It’s what’s for dinner.

Raising beef is my favorite part of our farm! There are few things as fun as going out and watching the cows when I put them on fresh grass! Calving season is the best time of year! On our farm, it seems to work best to calve in late spring/early summer and I love going out and watching baby calves and their mothers! Most of our beef is born and raised on our farm, but if I need a few more to finish out orders, I buy some calves from my dad or other farms that I know and trust to have high quality beef. For the most part, our beef are moved to fresh grass every day. Daily moves or sometimes multiple times a day moves, has huge benefits for the soil health and is also good for the cows digestive system. When the cows can only access enough forage for one day, it makes so the rest of the pasture has a chance to recover before it is grazed again. At this point, we finish our beef with some non-GMO grain. They are still on pasture but we feed them some grain to help them finish well. I want to sell great tasting beef and my pastures aren’t at a good enough place yet to help them finish fast enough! But we are planning to start no-tilling a mixture of annuals that is designed to finish beef on and I am really excited about this! We hope to have grass-fed grass-finished beef available summer of 2024. Our beef is all natural with no antibiotics, vaccines, or wormers unless we have no other option. If we do need to give one of our animals any of these things we will not sell them for meat! We sell our beef as Wholes, halves, or quarters. If you would like to get some you can order it here.

Why we built a fence lifter.

As I learned about the benefits of grazing, specifically the wonderful things that can happen in the soil with high stock density, I wanted to move my cows more often. However, since I worked off the farm, I couldn’t move them during the day and with not more cows then I have, I didn’t want to spend much money. I love designing and building things and when I was young, I remember my dad saying, “necessity is the mother of invention” so I set out to see what I could make. The HC Poly Fence Lifter is a pretty simple design and doesn’t use a lot of custom parts. It’s been a game changer for us! My goal is to provide a practical and affordable option for others that want to be able to move their animals more often without needing to go out to the pasture to do it. Get yours here.

Our pastured chicken

We love eating our pastured chicken! When the chicks show up on our farm we put them in a brooder barn for the first 2-3 weeks. We do this so that we can have them in a place where we can keep the warm! Young chicks need to be able stay warm! When they are ready, we move them out on pasture in a chicken tractor so we can move them to fresh grass every day. This makes that they can scratch and eat grass and little critters in the grass. Chickens also need some grain in their diets so we give them a non-GMO chicken feed. We believe this combination of fresh grass and good grain makes for flavorful and nutritious meat! Get yours by pre-ordering it here.

Woods pork

Our woods pork is raised by our neighbor. These pigs live in the woods where they have the opportunity to dig for roots and graze on some greens. Pigs do not have a rumen like cattle so they are supplemented with non-GMO grain. This makes for delicious, and juicy pork. We sell our pork as wholes or halves. If you want to give it a try, go here to get your pre-order in.